Søren Hough is an American-born and London-based writer. He studied Film and Microbiology at the University of Massachusetts Amherst before completing his PhD in DNA repair at the University of Cambridge. Along the way, he established himself as a film and television journalist and science communicator. In addition to RogerEbert.com, his work has been featured in Science for the People magazine, The Massachusetts Daily CollegianThe Commoner, ScottFeinberg.com, and on his own website, Movie Fail. When it comes to film and television, his particular interest is animation: stop motion, hand-drawn, 3D, and everything in between. Søren has additionally lectured and published in the popular press and academic journals on topics including film, history, bioethics, and cancer biology. He is currently the Editor of Tides Global where he reports on the latest discoveries in biomedical science.

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